By Max Wallack
Puzzles to Remember
I am very pleased to learn that Alzheimer's Portugal will begin collecting puzzles for the use of Alzheimer's patients. I am honored that they are modeling their program after PuzzlesToRemember. Here is the information that appears on the Alzheimer Portugal website:
Puzzles para Alzheimer é um projecto desenvolvido a pensar nas pessoas com Doença de Alzheimer. Puzzles for Alzheimer's is a project to think of people with Alzheimer's disease.
Esta iniciativa pretende divulgar o factor benéfico de construir puzzles para os doentes de Alzheimer. This initiative aims to promote the beneficial factor of constructing puzzles for Alzheimer's patients. Para além de permitir aos doentes distraírem-se, a construção de puzzles é, também, um excelente exercício de estimulação intelectual. In addition to enabling patients to distract themselves, building puzzles, too, is an excellent exercise in intellectual stimulation.
“Puzzles para Alzheimer” nasceu tendo como inspiração a Campanha “Puzzles to Remember” , uma ideia de Max Wallack. "Puzzles for Alzheimer's" was born taking as inspiration the Campaign "Puzzles to Remember" , an idea of Max Wallack.
O objectivo é conseguir levar até aos doentes de Alzheimer vários puzzles sendo que, para isso, o promotor desta iniciativa apela a que os puzzles sejam enviados para a Associação Alzheimer Portugal. The goal is to lead to Alzheimer's patients and several puzzles that, to this, the promoter of this initiative calls for the puzzles are sent to the Alzheimer's Association Portugal.
Cada pessoa interessada pode enviar os puzzles para as moradas abaixo indicadas, para um lar da terceira idade ou simplesmente oferecer a alguém que sofra desta doença. Each person interested can send puzzles to the addresses below, to a home for the elderly or simply offer to someone who suffers from this disease.
Max Wallack is a student at Boston University Academy. His great grandmother, Gertrude, suffered from Alzheimer's disease. Max is the founder of PUZZLES TO REMEMBER. PTR is a project that provides puzzles to nursing homes and veterans institutions that care for Alzheimer's and dementia patients.
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